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Alter: 41
Sternzeichen: Krebs
Groesse (cm): 178
Gewicht (kg): 63
Augenfarbe: grün
Haarfarbe: schwarz
Ausbildung: Universität
Beruf: Personalmanagerin
Familienstand: ledig
Kinder: NEIN
Wuerde gerne mehr Kinder haben: ja
Hobbys, Talente: Sport , Reisen , Theater , Kunst , Lesen , Natur , Filme , Mode , Ausgehen .
Character: gutherzig , zärtlich , wissbegierig , fleissig , aufrichtig , romantisch , ruhig , ausgeglichen , natürlich , lebhaft , sinnlich , sorgsam , elegant , lebenslustig , treu , familienorientierte , gesellig , liebe Kinder , anständig , humorvoll , intelligent .
Rauchen: nein
andere Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch ( advanced - umfassendes Verständnis) .
Religion: Orthodox
Nationalitaet: Belarussin
Ueber Mann:
Alter von 40 bis 49
Groesse (cm) von 180 bis 200
Partner hat Kinder: spielt keine Rolle
Idealer Partner: intelligent , gutherzig , sorgsam , treu , gutsituiert , humorvoll , kinderlieb , familienorientiert , großzugig , scharmant , lebenslustig , sportlich , gebildet , verantwortungsvoll , zärtlich , selbstbewusst , anständig , ehrlich , kontaktfreudig , ausgeglichen , aufrichtig , ohne schädliche Gewohnheiten , ernsthaft , zuverlässig .
I am active, motivated, passionate about life and adventure. I am into yoga, fitness and like to be in good physical shape. I love hiking. Besides, I am engaged in development of my own project - self-realization school for adults, where I help people to find their purpose and favorite work.

Honesty, respect and striving for self-development are important to me. I believe that family is one of the foundations of happiness and I dream of having a partner who will share my values and ambitions. I believe that relationships are built on mutual support and striving for common goals. I appreciate a sense of humor and lightness.

I love traveling and discovering new horizons. New countries, cultures and experiences inspire me and enrich my life. I dream of exploring the world together with my loved one, creating unforgettable memories.

I am looking for an intelligent, generous, successful and serious-minded man who also appreciates an active lifestyle and is ready to create a strong family. I am interested in a man who leads an active lifestyle, shows initiative and has the courage to follow his dreams. I am ready to move to another country for love and to create strong relationships that will grow into a family.

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