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une autre
Âge: 41
Signe de zodiaque: Cancer
Taille: 178
Poids: 63
Couleur des yeux: vert
Couleur des cheveux: noir
Formation: universitaire
Profession: DRH
Famille: célibataire
Quantité d'enfants: non
Veut- Elle encore avoir des enfants: oui
Hobbies, Capacités: sport , voyages , théatre , arts , lecture , nature , cinéma , haute couture , sortie en exterieur .
Caractère: gentille , tendre , curieuse , travailleuse , sincère , romantique , calme , stable , naturelle , active , sensuelle , attentionnée , élégante , joyeuse , fidèle , aimant la vie de famille , sociable , aimant les enfants , honnète , avec le sens de l'humour , intelligente .
Fumeuse: non
Autres langues étrangères: Anglais (avance- très bonne compréhension et expression) .
Religion: orthodoxe
Nationalité: Biélorusse
de mon futur mari:
Tranche d'âge de 40 a 49
Taille(cm) de 180 a 200
Si le partenaire a des enfants: sans importance
Idée générale du partenaire idéal: intelligent , gentil , attentionnée , fidèle , stable financierement , avec le sens de l'humour , aimant les enfants , aimant la vie familiale , généreux , charmant , joyeuxl , sportif , éduqué , responsable , tendre , sur de lui , décent , honnète , sociable , stable , sincère , sans mauvaise habitude , sérieux , fiable .
I am active, motivated, passionate about life and adventure. I am into yoga, fitness and like to be in good physical shape. I love hiking. Besides, I am engaged in development of my own project - self-realization school for adults, where I help people to find their purpose and favorite work.

Honesty, respect and striving for self-development are important to me. I believe that family is one of the foundations of happiness and I dream of having a partner who will share my values and ambitions. I believe that relationships are built on mutual support and striving for common goals. I appreciate a sense of humor and lightness.

I love traveling and discovering new horizons. New countries, cultures and experiences inspire me and enrich my life. I dream of exploring the world together with my loved one, creating unforgettable memories.

I am looking for an intelligent, generous, successful and serious-minded man who also appreciates an active lifestyle and is ready to create a strong family. I am interested in a man who leads an active lifestyle, shows initiative and has the courage to follow his dreams. I am ready to move to another country for love and to create strong relationships that will grow into a family.

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