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Eta: 46
Segno zodiacale: Bilancia
Altezza (cm): 181
Peso (kg): 75
Colore degli occhi: grigi
Colore dei capelli: chiari
Studi: superiore
Professione: impiegata
Stato civile: nubile
Figli: Figlia 15 a.
Vorrebbe avere figli: probabilmente
Hobby,capacita: sport , viaggi , cinema , attivita fuori casa .
Carattere: buona , sincera , spontanea , attiva , socievole , simpatica .
Fumatore: no
Altre lingue: inglese ( elementare - puo capire qualche frase, ma comunque ha bisogno di interprete) .
Religione: ortodossa
Nazionalita: bielorussa
Sul marito:
Eta da 36 fino 53
Altezza (cm) da 175 fino 200
Il compagno ha figli: bene
Aspettative della coppia ideale: buono , premuroso , simpatico , generoso , responsabile , sicuro di se , sicuro .
An elegant girl with a higher education.
Since her youth, she devoted a lot of energy and strength to fascinating volleyball, where she achieved many heights, becoming the champion of Kazakhstan and multiple prize winner of Belarus.
After finishing her sports career, she changed her activity and enthusiastically mastered the intricacies of law in the field of construction, easily receiving a law degree.
Gracefully achieved professionalism in labor law.
I love to travel, discover new countries, study their history, stroll along unique, inimitable streets, and marvel at beautiful architecture.
When in the mood, I like to read a historical novel. At one time, I learned to play the piano, which instilled in me a taste for enchanting music. I get inspired by going to the opera and ballet theater. I will reflect on watching an intricate detective story or a thriller.
I took a risk and jumped with a parachute, unforgettable feelings, especially at the moment of jumping from a flying plane.
I went surfing, feeling the full power of the salty ocean.
I dream of learning to ski and immerse myself in the snow-white world, mastering alpine skiing under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
I will be happy to make a partner for a game of badminton, where I can give free rein to my emotions.
I am inspired by bike rides with views of meadows, fields and picturesque mountains.
I will give in to a strong opponent in a game of chess.
I create harmony and comfort in the house.
I will immerse myself in the atmosphere of making a delicious pie, the aroma of which will make your head spin.
I will meet a charismatic, kind and sapiosexual man.
I will fill the life of my chosen one with tenderness, care and delicious moments.

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