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Eta: 50
Segno zodiacale: Leone
Altezza (cm): 157
Peso (kg): 57
Colore degli occhi: castani
Colore dei capelli: chiari
Studi: superiore
Professione: impiegata
Stato civile: divorziata
Figli: Figlia 24 a.
Vorrebbe avere figli: no
Hobby,capacita: cucina , cucire , sport , viaggi , teatro , arte , lettura , natura , disegno , cinema , attivita fuori casa .
Carattere: buona , affettuosa , curiosa , lavoratrice , sincera , equilibrata , attiva , premurosa , allegra , fedele , orientata alla famiglia , socievole , che le piacciono i bambini , onorata , intelligente .
Fumatore: no
Altre lingue: inglese ( medio - capisce la maggior parte del discorso e riesce spiegarsi in modo sufficiente senza interprete) .
Religione: ortodossa
Nazionalita: russa
Sul marito:
Eta da 48 fino 60
Altezza (cm) da 174 fino 200
Il compagno ha figli: non importa
Aspettative della coppia ideale: intelligente , buono , premuroso , fedele , stabile economicamente , simpatico , che gli piacciano i bambini , che gli piaccia la famiglia , generoso , affascinante , allegro , atletico , educato , responsabile , affettuoso , sicuro di se , decente , onesto , socievole , equilibrato , sincero , senza abitudini deleterie , serio , sicuro .
I am a woman with a tender, passionate heart, ready to open it to the right man, a man who will love not only for appearance, but also with all his heart I want to be a woman and stand behind the strong and reliable shoulder of my husband.
I love people close to me, I know how to listen and I am always interested in the opinion of the person with whom I am talking. I am an active and sociable person, I approach life with optimism and respect other people's decisions. After all, each of us is individual.
I like to learn something new, develop and meet new people. I enjoy exploring new possibilities and discovering the unknown.
In a relationship, I enjoy spending time with my partner. I care very much about my family and friends, and the same fate awaits my future husband. My future husband will never miss care and tenderness. He will have everything!
I have a very interesting life that I want to share with the man I love. Because together everything becomes even more beautiful and brighter.
For example, I really like to walk in the forest and pick mushrooms. I love fishing and relaxing in beautiful nature. Do you like it too?
I collect handmade dolls and even make them myself, I really enjoy being creative in my free time. Of course, I also like cultural events, theaters and exhibitions.
I am an active person and love to travel. I have been to the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Greece, China, Germany, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia... Each country I have been to is beautiful in its own way and leaves unforgettable emotions in my heart!
For me, Israel is a land of “miracles” in the truest sense of the word, when you see how people feel the strongest energy in the temples and visit many places/attractions with a “rich” history. Thailand is a country of “smiles”, snow-white beaches, warm sea and beautiful nature, excellent cuisine.
About the man:
The ideal man for each of us can be different. I can describe some qualities that I would like to see in my husband: Respect and kindness: The ideal man respects other people and shows kindness in relationships. He cares about the well-being and happiness of both of us. It is important to remember that an ideal relationship is based on mutual understanding, respect and love that develops between two people.
I want to meet an optimistic man who does not give in to difficulties and finds ways to solve them.
Or maybe we have a lot in common? I hope one day we can travel together. To England or New Zealand - to see the beauty of untouched nature, volcanoes and geysers, waterfalls and lakes, exotic flora and fauna. Easter Island – see the mysterious Moa statues with your own eyes.

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