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Eta: 40
Segno zodiacale: Leone
Altezza (cm): 169
Peso (kg): 52
Colore degli occhi: verdi
Colore dei capelli: biondi
Studi: superiore
Professione: impiegata
Stato civile: divorziata
Figli: Figlio 13 a.
Vorrebbe avere figli: no
Hobby,capacita: sport , musica , ballo , viaggi , lettura , natura , fotografia , lavori in casa , cinema .
Carattere: buona , affettuosa , curiosa , lavoratrice , modesta , sincera , romantica , spontanea , attiva , sincera , premurosa , fine , allegra , fedele , socievole , che le piacciono i bambini , onorata , simpatica , intelligente .
Fumatore: no
Altre lingue: inglese ( medio - capisce la maggior parte del discorso e riesce spiegarsi in modo sufficiente senza interprete) .
Religione: ortodossa
Nazionalita: bielorussa
Sul marito:
Eta da 40 fino 50
Altezza (cm) da 169 fino 175
Il compagno ha figli: bene
Aspettative della coppia ideale: buono , premuroso , fedele , simpatico , che gli piacciano i bambini , che gli piaccia la famiglia , generoso , affascinante , allegro , atletico , educato , responsabile , sicuro di se , decente , onesto , socievole , equilibrato , sincero , senza abitudini deleterie , serio , sicuro .
My name is Olga, I want to tell you a little about myself and my vision of family life. I am 39 years old, I am not married, I live with my son in the small picturesque city of Gomel, above the Sozh River. I am calm, emotional, caring and thoughtful, responsible and hardworking. But I also know how to relax and enjoy life.

My friends consider me sincere, decent, friendly, funny. I believe that a person should not be alone and family and family values, support and mutual respect, as well as care are important to me - this is what a family should be.

I also believe that compromises and the desire to communicate with each other and talk are important for a strong family, which is why I think that husband and wife are not only partners, but also friends who have common values, interests and views on life, then they are interested and easy in life. I consider myself romantic, sensual and gentle, I want to be with my partner all my life, to give tenderness and love.

I love nature, walking, cycling, ice skating, and sometimes fishing with my son. I take care of my health and nutrition. I love meeting people and traveling, I really love music and social dancing — this is what makes me happy and helps me relax.

My dream is to find a kind, caring, responsible man, with a sense of humor, who loves children and, like me, wants to create a strong family, a future based on trust, unity, generosity and love.

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