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Eta: 43
Segno zodiacale: Capricorno
Altezza (cm): 170
Peso (kg): 65
Colore degli occhi: verdi
Colore dei capelli: chiari
Studi: professionale
Professione: infermiera
Stato civile: divorziata
Figli: Figlio 10 a. , Figlia 15 a.
Vorrebbe avere figli: no
Hobby,capacita: cucina , cucire , viaggi , teatro , natura , lavori in casa , animali , cinema .
Carattere: buona , affettuosa , curiosa , lavoratrice , sincera , romantica , tranquilla , equilibrata , sincera , premurosa , fine , fedele , orientata alla famiglia , onorata .
Fumatore: no
Altre lingue: inglese ( medio - capisce la maggior parte del discorso e riesce spiegarsi in modo sufficiente senza interprete) .
Religione: ortodossa
Nazionalita: bielorussa
Sul marito:
Eta da 40 fino 53
Altezza (cm) da 170 fino 200
Il compagno ha figli: bene
Aspettative della coppia ideale: intelligente , buono , premuroso , fedele , simpatico , che gli piacciano i bambini , che gli piaccia la famiglia , generoso , affascinante , allegro , atletico , educato , responsabile , affettuoso , sicuro di se , decente , onesto , socievole , equilibrato , sincero , senza abitudini deleterie , serio , sicuro .
My name is Svetlana, I am from a small and friendly Republic of Belarus. I was born and raised in Vitebsk, an ancient and very beautiful city of our republic. I am a medical worker by education, I work as a nurse in one of the city's clinics. Since childhood, my parents have instilled in me mercy and kindness to people, so my profession allows me to take care of people in need of help. I am divorced, I have two wonderful children, 10 and 5 years old, who live with me. I love and care for them. We also love pets with our children, we have a cat, a hamster and a rat. We have fun with them, we take care of them. Among my hobbies and interests are walks, excursions, outdoor recreation, on the water. Often on weekends, we go to the cinema, cafes, go to the river, attractions. When I manage to be alone at home, I enjoy cooking some delicious food, doing handicrafts, watching movies. I also go to the forest with my friends, pick mushrooms, berries, enjoy the healthy forest air and relax with my soul. I dream of a vacation at sea, travel, to get to know the world, its diversity and beauty. I travel in my country, we have many beautiful and amazing places. I want to meet a good person who, like me, wants to share with me the joy of living together.

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