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Alter: 45
Sternzeichen: Stier
Groesse (cm): 167
Gewicht (kg): 58
Augenfarbe: grau
Haarfarbe: blond
Ausbildung: Universität
Beruf: Dolmetscherin
Familienstand: ledig
Kinder: NEIN
Wuerde gerne mehr Kinder haben: möglich
Hobbys, Talente: Kochkunst , Sport , Reisen , Lesen , Natur , Fotografieren , Mode , Ausgehen .
Character: zärtlich , wissbegierig , aufrichtig , ausgeglichen , sorgsam , elegant , lebenslustig , treu , familienorientierte , gesellig , liebe Kinder , anständig , humorvoll , intelligent .
Rauchen: nein
andere Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch ( normal - ausreichendes Verständnis, braucht keinen Dolmetscher) , Englisch ( ausgezeichnet - sehr gutes Verständnis mit langjähriger Erfahrung) .
Religion: Orthodox
Nationalitaet: Belarussin
Ueber Mann:
Alter von 44 bis 56
Groesse (cm) von 170 bis 200
Partner hat Kinder: spielt keine Rolle
Idealer Partner: intelligent , gutherzig , sorgsam , familienorientiert .
'Being a female is a matter of birth, being a woman is a matter of age, but being a lady is a matter of choice... ' So, my choice is to be a lady or, at least, doing my best to become a lady. I understand that my appearance, behaviour and way of communication provide other people with a valuable insight into my character. Of course, true beauty isn't acquired at a make-up counter or with a new outfit, but I'm well-dressed, well-groomed and maintain my health. Well-dressed means not only wearing a stunning dress and high-heeled shoes when going to a restaurant, but also cool jeans and sneakers when going for a walk)) Staying healthy also means healthy eating (though pizza and ice-cream are sometimes allowed,)) and healthy thinking,) My strength is being gracious, thoughtful, kind, intelligent and self-assured. I'm a woman of my word and I always keep my promises. I have a positive outlook on life and I hope that my humour, wisdom and consistent encouragement will make my beloved happy!

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