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Âge: 41
Signe de zodiaque: Bélier
Taille: 164
Poids: 53
Couleur des yeux: vert
Couleur des cheveux: chatain
Formation: universitaire
Profession: comptable
Famille: divorcée
Quantité d'enfants: fils 21 a.
Veut- Elle encore avoir des enfants: c'est possible
Hobbies, Capacités: cuisine , tricot , voyages , dessin , cinéma , haute couture .
Caractère: gentille , tendre , sincère , calme , stable , attentionnée , joyeuse , fidèle , aimant la vie de famille , sociable , honnète , avec le sens de l'humour , intelligente .
Fumeuse: non
Autres langues étrangères: Anglais (elementaire- compréhension de base, besoin d'un traducteur) .
Religion: orthodoxe
Nationalité: Biélorusse
de mon futur mari:
Tranche d'âge de 38 a 55
Taille(cm) de 175 a 190
Si le partenaire a des enfants: sans importance
Idée générale du partenaire idéal: intelligent , gentil , attentionnée , avec le sens de l'humour , aimant la vie familiale , joyeuxl , stable , sans mauvaise habitude .
I live with my son in a small town. He is about 18 years old.
We have a great relationship with him.

I work in finance for a small manufacturing company. I like to solve complex problems, make a plan for the
day, week or month, set a deadline and be pleased with myself when everything turned out as planned.
Then I feel like a winner.

I love watching movies, some make me think about life, some relax, and some get aesthetic pleasure.

I love listening to music that gives me goosebumps.

I like to cook according to the mood, when an amazing dish is obtained from different components.

I like to travel. I love this thrill inside, the anticipation of new sensations. New emotions, knowledge,
experience - it&#39,s all great for me. Unfortunately, it is not possible to travel as often as we would like.

Sometimes I need to take a break and look around, inside myself, just look at the clouds, just sit on the
shore, just walk through the forest, ride a bike and catch this moment, feel that this is life!

In general, I like to be surprised, develop, try new things. Maybe it does not matter through what tools this
can be achieved - through cinema, music, painting, fragrance, travel!

I am looking for a companion with whom I want to build a warm, comfortable relationship. With whom I will
feel spiritual intimacy, with whom you can be silent or discuss anything, dream, achieve and thank for the
fact that he is with me.

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