Presents at the 1st meeting

Among popular questions from men, there is: “What should I bring as a present for the ladies at the 1st meeting?”

What a pleasure it is to know that there are still so many generous and courteous gentlemen! However, we need to make some comments on the issue, so that your generosity does not do you a disservice.

When you meet a lady for the first time, you do not have to bring any gifts with you.

The best present at the 1st meeting is your good mood and positive attitude – the lady is sure to appreciate it. If you still want to make a nice gesture – well, it is never too much of a good thing – here are some tips:

  1. Any expensive gift is a BAD idea, as it will make a decent lady feel very awkward, while a potential scammer can think that you are an easy target.
  2. Presenting cosmetic products – nail polish, lipsticks or even perfume – as well as clothing is a BAD idea:  firstly, you are not very likely to make the right guess about the taste of the fair, yet unknown lady, secondly, it is quite personal for the first meeting.
  3. A tourist souvenir from your home country is not bad, unless it is something like a low quality scarf of vibrant colors with the emblem of your local football team, but made in China. However, such gifts are a little bit “cold” and will not appeal to the feelings of the lady.
  4. A box of chocolates is a GOOD choice – especially if it is something typical of your area. Most ladies tend to have a sweet tooth, and even a fitness queen on a diet knows: a little chocolate now and then does not hurt.
  5. Flowers – bingo! This is the PERFECT option: not too expensive, not too intimate, not too impersonal, quite romantic and will not make her gain weight.  Any lady will be shining when she is presented some beautiful flowers.

Recently, we have even carried out an opinion poll asking our ladies what they consider to be an optimal present at the 1st meeting. 84 % were in favor of flowers, so it is not just our guess, but a proved fact. What is important, in case you bring a few flowers, be sure their number is ODD: 3,5,7 (Just a tradition, but a strong one).

Once again: bringing a present at the 1st meeting is not at all a “must”. You are the only reason for the lady to come. Nevertheless, if you want to gain some additional points from the very start, you can rely on our advice.