Due to changes in service availability, Booking.com and Airbnb no longer operate in Belarus. Here’s how you can secure a booking confirmation for your visa application:
1. **Find Hotels:**
– Use the website like Trivago (https://www.trivago.com/) to view a map of hotels, check approximate prices, and availability.
2. **Direct Hotel Booking:**
– Once you select a hotel, search for its direct website using Google.
– Local hotels, such as Hotel Minsk and Hotel Belarus, offer bookings without requiring prepayment.
– You can book for a longer period than you plan to stay (up to 1 month). You will get the visa exactly to the period that you booked the hotel. So we do recommend to book first for a longer period in order to have the visa couple of days before your planned arrival and after your departure, just in case. After you get the visa, you can change the booking according to your actual plans.
3. **Receive Confirmation:**
– The hotel will send you a PDF file as confirmation of your booking automatically to your email.
4. **Post-Visa Flexibility:**
– After obtaining your visa, you have the option to cancel the booking and choose to stay at any other place, such as an apartment or another hotel.