The first meeting in the agency is still not a romantic date, so you do not have to bring an engagement ring and the lady does not expect that you will propose to her right after a pleasant conversation. If there is mutual attraction, it is just awesome, but you both will take your time to understand what your heart (and brain!) tells you. However, the first meeting is extremely important as this is the first step to explore the universe of each other and it may well be the first brick in the foundation of your future relationship.
What am I driving at? Well begun is half done! So let’s see what can prevent you from making a good beginning and destroy your chances for a happy ending.
- Never come to the first meeting smelling of alcohol or – gracious heaven! – drunk.
Of course, you are in Minsk on holiday and you may feel you have every right to relax and enjoy.
Alcohol addiction is for sure what all decent Belarusian ladies hate and fear of, so at the slightest suspicion that a man is a boozer, they will hurry to close the door on him forever. Almost every foreigner has heard about repulsive Eastern European alcoholism, so nobody can blame the ladies for such a behavior. - Never tell the lady about your ex-wife/ex-girlfriend either in a negative or in a positive way. Well, if she asks, feel free to answer, but keep it as short as possible. A very detailed sad story about bad relationship experience is likely to give an impression that the man puts all the blame for the failure of their union on his ex, which may mean he is egoistic, unable to manage a relationship, lacks understanding, does not respect women and so on.
If the man sings praises to his former partner to show that he is objective and respectful despite everything, the lady hears just one thing: “He is still not over her” and drives away any hopes that he is really ready for a new relationship.
There is no good looking back, that’s it. - Never forget that the most attractive man is the one who looks clean and tidy and smells good. Our ladies have the idea that foreign men take good care of themselves (unlike many Belarusian guys) and they will be extremely happy to see that it is true. Just be sure you have enough clean shirts with you and remember that it is perfectly OK if you feel nervous, but the lady must not smell it or see it on your clothes.
- Never behave as if you were in a shop. Of course, our ladies are real jewels, but you need to win them, not to buy them. Do not discuss with the lady other meetings, avoid saying something like “If I choose you after meeting all other girls, we will go on holiday together”, “If I take you to live with me in my country, what would you like to do?”
Yes, you will have the initiative to go on with the relationship, or not to keep in touch with the lady, but she will make her decision about you, too. Yes, the lady knows you are meeting not only her, but she will not be extremely happy, if you gladly say it to her face.
Our advice (however obvious and self-evident it may seem) is based on real events – and we hope nobody will ever slip on the same banana peel!