Terms & Conditions

City of Minsk, Belarus.

This document is an official offer of Galina Pinchuk, the representative of Ladyfrombelarus marriage agency (hereinafter also referred to as “LADYFROMBELARUS”), in respect of rendering of marriage services to a person who, at the time of signing and effectiveness of the Agreement, is older than 21, is not married, or is a widower / widow, or has no long-lasting relationship with another person (hereinafter also referred to as “the Customer”).
Customer’s payment will mean the acceptance of this offer and signing of the agreement on the terms and conditions set out hereafter.


The Customer hereby further acknowledges and confirms the Customer’s understanding that real relationships may be only created on the basis of mutual affection and interest between a man and a woman. Furthermore, by signing this Agreement, the Customer also confirms the Customer’s understanding and confirmation that only the joint efforts of all parties involved may contribute to successful achievement of the ultimate purpose of the Agreement. Therefore, the Customer and LADYFROMBELARUS hereby agree to be jointly involved in the process of introduction and making acquaintances.



2.1 LADYFROMBELARUS will provide the Customer with the services based on the scope and price chosen by the Customer and agreed upon between the Parties.
2.2 During the duration of the Agreement, and in addition to the scope of services agreed by the Parties, LADYFROMBELARUS shall:
2.2.1 give advice, professional psychological and preparatory consultancy to the Customer, make available tests and use any required materials from the Customer’s information profile;
2.2.2 recommend LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients of the Customer’s liking for further acquaintance making (For such purpose, the Customer hereby acknowledges the Customer’s understanding and agreement that LADYFROMBELARUS shall not be responsible for any refusals of LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients to meet with the Customer and for any unsuccessful communications between the Customer and female clients of LADYFROMBELARUS.);
2.2.3 provide the Customer with additional available information on LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients whom the Customer would like to meet;
2.3             if necessary, and subject to additional fees, make reservations and bookings in apartments, hotels, recreations, and other places of interest to the couple (i.e. the Customer and LADYFROMBELARUS`s female client);


3.1 In order for LADYFROMBELARUS to provide the services set forth hereunder, the Customer shall furnish to LADYFROMBELARUS timely and only true, accurate and comprehensive information in respect of the Customer.
3.2 The Customer hereby represents and warrants that the Customer is at least 21 years old, is not married, and is not in a long-lasting relationship with another person at the time of Agreement signing.
3.3 If the Customer infringes any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the provisions of services under the Agreement will terminate without the Customer having any right to claim any money back. The Customer shall also indemnify LADYFROMBELARUS for any damage incurred to and time spent by LADYFROMBELARUS.
3.4 The Customer hereby confirms the Customer’s understanding that at least one or several trips by the Customer to Belarus may be required for meetings with female clients of LADYFROMBELARUS. (LADYFROMBELARUS assumes no responsibility if the Customer, for whatever reason unless due to the sole fault of LADYFROMBELARUS, fails to meet female clients according to LADYFROMBELARUS’s plans.
3.5 The Customer shall be fully responsible for the consequences of any Customer’s decisions and relationships with females met by the Customer through LADYFROMBELARUS, including, but not limited to, Customer’s decisions on the number of costs and expenses spent related to the meetings with female clients of LADYFROMBELARUS, and Customer’s accommodation expenses and cost of travels to any LADYFROMBELARUS’s female client residing in a place other than Minsk. In addition, the Customer shall be responsible for all costs and expenses for any travel to the Customer’s native country or joint travel for any LADYFROMBELARUS’s female client and her children (if any).
3.6 If the Customer is unable attend a scheduled meeting with a female client and notifies LADYFROMBELARUS thereof less than 120 minutes before such meeting, then LADYFROMBELARUS’s duty of arranging such meeting shall be considered to have been made and discharged.
3.7 By signing the Agreement, the Customer consents to the collection and use by LADYFROMBELARUS of the Customer’s personal data for purpose of the Agreement.
3.8 The Customer hereby agrees to avoid any acts that may adversely influence the honour, dignity and business reputation of LADYFROMBELARUS or any LADYFROMBELARUS’s employees, and agrees to indemnify LADYFROMBELARUS and LADYFROMBELARUS`s employees in full of any property and non-property (moral) damage caused to the good name and reputation of LADYFROMBELARUS or LADYFROMBELARUS`s employees.


4.1 The rendering of services under the Agreement will commence from the start of consultancy services (i.e. a personal interview with the LADYFROMBELARUS’s representative).
4.2 In order to render further successful provisions of the services under the Agreement, the Customer shall:
4.2.1 fill out the questionnaires received from LADYFROMBELARUS specifying, among other details, the Customer’s age, lifestyle, health, family, current situation, financial condition, children from a previous marriage(s) / relationships, as well as any other information that may be essential for the building of relationships, safety and success of relations with a female client of LADYFROMBELARUS;
4.2.2 present copies of the Customer’s valid passport [or driver’s license] and specify the Customer’s registered and residential address upon request;
4.2.3 provide at least four (4) photos taken in the most recent six months;
4.2.4. communicate preferences, recommendations or any other information concerning the Customer, if any; and
4.2.5. communicate the realistic and detailed description of the prospective girlfriend.
4.3 The Customer shall notify LADYFROMBELARUS of any changes in the Customer’s information within thirty (30) days after such changes take place.


5.1 After a personal interview with the LADYFROMBELARUS’s representative and subject to Customer’s compliance with the terms and conditions referred to in Article 4 hereof, LADYFROMBELARUS will select female prospects for meetings with the Customer. The final list of LADYFROMBELARUS’s prospective female clients for personal meetings with the Customer shall be confirmed by the Customer at the Customer`s own discretion.
5.2 LADYFROMBELARUS will make available to LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients such Customer information as agreed upon with the Customer.
5.3 Acquaintance will not take place unless a female client of LADYFROMBELARUS agrees to meet the Customer. The time and place of a meeting shall be chosen by the joint agreement of LADYFROMBELARUS, the Customer, and the relevant female client of LADYFROMBELARUS.
5.4 If a female client of LADYFROMBELARUS does not speak English sufficiently well, then LADYFROMBELARUS offers interpreter services, up to 8 hours a day for up to 5 days included, more – subject to the additional fee charged for such services.
5.5 It is recommended that the first meeting of the Customer with a female client lasts between 60 and 120 minutes and takes place in the LADYFROMBELARUS’s office or in any other public place convenient for the parties. The meeting duration is not restricted and may last longer than the proscribed time, depending on the mutual interest of the Customer and LADYFROMBELARUS`s Client.
5.6 If, in the course of the matchmaking process, the Customer does not choose anyone from the selected female clients of LADYFROMBELARUS within the time limit determined by the Parties, the Customer and LADYFROMBELARUS may continue the match-making services upon signing a new Schedule to the Agreement specifying the additional cost and detailed description of the new pack of the matchmaking services.

6.1 Prices of the LADYFROMBELARUS’s services shall be in Euros.
6.2 Payment shall be made by money transfer to the LADYFROMBELARUS’s bank account or using the payment system suggested by LADYFROMBELARUS.
6.3 Payment for the services hereunder shall be made by the Customer by advance payment installments after the commencement of LADYFROMBELARUS’s services. 

7.1 This Agreement shall come into full force and effect as soon as it is signed by the Parties, and shall terminate upon the achievement of the intended ultimate purpose of the Agreement or any Party’s refusal to continue further cooperation under the Agreement, or after 12 month. 7.2 The duration of each separate service hereunder shall be agreed upon between the Parties.
7.3 Should the Customer breach the terms and conditions of the Agreement, or where any acts or omissions of the Customer may pose a threat to life, good name or wellness of any LADYFROMBELARUS’s female client or her child, or affect the reputation of LADYFROMBELARUS, LADYFROMBELARUS LADYFROMBELARUS has the sole right to immediately terminate the Agreement.


8.1 LADYFROMBELARUS does not offer or provide any sex related services or escort services.
8.2 LADYFROMBELARUS shall not control such peculiarities of the matchmaking process/participants such as the age difference exceeding 15 years, children, weight problems, health problems, financial difficulties, and foreign language speaking skills. Consequently, the Customer shall align the Customer’s own search criteria with such peculiarities and other circumstances significant to the Customer.
8.3 LADYFROMBELARUS shall assume no responsibility for any gifts presented by the Customer to a female client of LADYFROMBELARUS or any money given to her at the Customer’s discretion or the Customer’s free will.
8.4 LADYFROMBELARUS reserves the right to refuse any person from entering into a services agreement or for continuing this Agreement for any reason and without explanation.
8.5 Despite the efforts of LADYFROMBELARUS, LADYFROMBELARUS does not guarantee that LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients introduced to the Customer will be the right match or that their acquaintance will end in a long term relationship or marriage. For the avoidance of doubt, the responsibility for the creation of any relationships shall be assumed by the Customer and the relevant female client of LADYFROMBELARUS.
8.6 The Parties shall not be held liable for any total or partial failure to discharge their respective duties and obligations hereunder if such failure results from any force majeure circumstances.
8.7 LADYFROMBELARUS`s’ responsibility under the Agreement for any damage, claims, or expenses arising out of the Agreement shall never exceed the contract value of the Agreement.
8.8 The services rendered to the Customer under the Agreement shall be personal and the individual services, therefore, may not be assigned to any other person. The Customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that any attempted or actual assignment of the services hereunder will result in immediate termination of the Agreement without repayment of the money paid for any unused services.

9.1 All personal data and information received from the Customer shall be confidential and used for the purpose of the services under the Agreement only. The information in respect of the Customer shall not be made available to any third persons, companies, or organizations unless required for the implementation of the Agreement, the currently effective applicable Belarusian laws, or agreed upon with the Customer in advance.
9.2 Any information transferred to the Customer under the Agreement by LADYFROMBELARUS or LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients shall be strictly confidential. The Customer shall not disclose any personal information concerning LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients without a prior written agreement from them. The Customer may not use any personal information concerning LADYFROMBELARUS’s female clients for any purpose other than the provision of the services under the Agreement.
9.3. All information concerning Customer’s meetings under the Agreement (including, but not limited to, the number of such meetings, their duration, etc.) shall be strictly confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties by the Customer or by LADYFROMBELARUS.
9.4 The Parties are committed to respect privacy and to ensure the lawful processing of all personal data in compliance with the current laws of Belarus and of any applicable jurisdiction. Each Party shall be individually responsible, as a sole data controller, for its own processing of personal data pursuant to and/or in connection with the Agreement.
9.5 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Article 9 (Confidentiality/Personal Data) shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


10.1 This Agreement is made in conformity with the currently effective applicable Belarusian laws.
10.2 Any and all controversies and disputes that may arise out of the Agreement shall be solved by negotiations between the Parties.