Contract offer

Private Unitary Enterprise, represented by director Pinchuk Igor, acting pursuant to the Articles of Association and Marriage agency license № 02010/0200626 from  23.09.05, УНН 190891106, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as “Agency”, on the one hand, and   hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”, on the other hand, hereinafter individually and collectively referred to respectively as “the Parties”, have concluded this Contract as follows:
1.     An object of this Contract The Customer shall order and the Agency shall undertake to introduce Customer to the women (registered at the agency). The purpose of acquaintance is marriage.
2.     Obligations of the Parties
2.1. The Customer shall be obliged: to provide timely all necessary information pertaining to the performance of task to the Agency; if necessary, to provide facilities for the performance of task. to pay for the work performed by the Agency under the terms and conditions of this Contract;
2.2. The Agency shall be obliged to perform work under Contract
3. The procedure of Work The Agency may engage any third persons (interpreters) for the performance of work under this Contract, however, subject to terms and conditions of keeping the business secret (confidential information) as provided for in this Contract.
4. Confidentiality Any information given by the Agency to the Customer  under this Contract  is considered to be confidential. The Parties are obliged not to use any information obtained under this Contract in improper  purposes.
5.  Force Majeure Neither Party shall be liable for failure to perform any of its obligations in whole or in part when non-performance is a direct consequence of any circumstances of irresistible (force majeure) nature, which are beyond the reasonable control of the Parties and occurred after the conclusion of this Contract.
6. Early Termination of this Contract This Contract may be terminated on the initiative of the Agency in the following cases: if the Customer does not carry out its obligations in respect of payment for the performed work; if the Customer does not provide information necessary for the performance by the Executor of its obligations under this Contract; if the Customer provides deliberately false information; if the Customer provides any facilities prevented the Agency from the performance of its obligations undertaken under this Contract; in any other cases specified in the laws of the Republic Belarus in force.
7. Other Terms and Conditions This Contract is drawn up in two copies, in two languages (in Russian and English), each copy for each Party; both copies have equal legal force. In case of any discrepancy in interpretation, the Russian version of this Contract shall prevail. All Appendixes to this Contract are its inalienable parts. All disputes in connection with this Contract shall be settled by negotiations.  If the Parties are unable to settle any disputes by negotiations, such disputes shall be settled by the Minsk Commercial Court. The governing law shall be the law of the Republic Belarus.